• Opening hours Monday to Friday, 8am-Noon / 1:30-5pm (4:30pm on Fridays)
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  • Cofrac - Comité français d'Accréditation Accreditation No. 1-6486
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Multiple laboratory pipetting
Multiple laboratory pipetting
Multiple laboratory pipetting
Multiple laboratory pipetting

Our tests

Agrivalys 71 performs immunology, parasitology, bacteriology and molecular biology tests on cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry and plants.

Types of tests

We offer both targeted test and test packages

Our laboratory specialises in animal and plant health tests :

Animal health

Animal species : cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and birds

  • Immunology (ELISA, BAT...)
  • Molecular biology (PCR)
  • Bacteriology
  • Parasitology
  • Necropsy
Plant health

Plant species : vines and others

  • Immunology (ELISA)
  • Molecular biology (PCR)
dots Laboratory pipetting
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Shape decoration

Our fields of intervention

We are called in for :

Export checks

Regulated or non-regulated diseases, subject to official controls carried out as part of exporting live animals depending on the health certificate requirements of the importing country.

For example : Aujeszky's Disease, Brucellosis, Classical Swine Fever and PRRS...

Voluntary action plan diseases

Diseases not subject to mandatory tests but for which livestock farmers may wish to carry out regular checks on a voluntary basis (should they suspect an infection for example).

For example : Looking for the causes of abortions (other than Brucellosis) or neonatal enteritis (Parasitic check-up).

Veterinary diagnosis

Diseases diagnosed by a vet.

For example : PCR and/or bacteriological and/or parasitological tests following a necropsy.

Wild fauna surveillance

Regulated or non-regulated diseases, controlled as part of departmental epidemio-surveillance and health monitoring, in partnership with the national SAGIR network.

For example : Bird flu, performing a necropsy in the case of suspicion of ASF or tuberculosis etc.
The process

How we work

Whether you are interested in our animal or plant health hub, the process is as follows :

We take delivery
of the samples
We carry out
The results are sent to the customer, the prescriber and/or institutions for regulated diseases
The laboratory is not involved in interpreting the results

With ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) methods we can detect antibodies, antigens and haptens using samples from animals or plants.
The tests are carried out using reagent kits provided by various suppliers.
The specific features of each ELISA method are detailed in the protocols accompanying the commercial kits.

In general, the test involves the following steps :
  • Coating microplate wells with the antigen or antibody (often carried out by the supplier).
  • Contact between the sample and the captured antibody or antigen enables the formation of antigen-antibody complexes.
  • Fixing or inhibition of fixing of the conjugate (antibody + enzyme).
  • In some protocols an intermediate antibody may be used before or at the same time as the conjugate.
  • The addition of an enzyme substrate, which may or may not be transformed into a coloured product depending on the quantity of conjugate fixed in the microplate well.

The intensity of the final colouration is measured using a spectrophotometer. This colouration is a direct (indirect ELISA) or inverse (competitive ELISA) function of the concentration of the specific substance tested present in the sample.

Fields of application :

Depending on the method, tests can be carried out on whole blood, single serums or pooled sera, plasma, milk or plant extracts (leaves, wood, roots and pseudostems etc.). This can be done manually or using automated systems.
The tests are carried out either to perform an individual diagnosis, or as part of voluntary or compulsory prophylaxis, or as part of official testing.

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) uses the DNA polymerase enzyme to make it possible to amplify a specific region of a given nucleic acid, so as to obtain a sufficient quantity of it to detect and analyse it.

The replication of a double-stranded DNA extract is achieved by repeating a series of reactions over and over again. This means that during the PCR reaction the products obtained at the end of each cycle serve as a template for the following cycle, the amplification is therefore exponential from the very beginning.

PCR occurs in 3 steps :
  1.  DNA denaturation
  2.  Primer hybridisation
  3.  Amplification

PCR means we are able to detect amplicons (fragments of DNA generated by PCR) in real time through the emission of a fluorescent signal proportional to the quantity of amplicons generated.

In the laboratory, we use TaqMan® probes to monitor the amplification reaction. These are marked with different fluorophores (FAM, VIC, NED and CY5 etc.) so as to detect several valances (multiplex PCR).
For RNA genomes, RT (Reverse Transcription) has to be carried out as a preliminary step. This involves taking an RNA template and synthesising complementary DNA from it. This can then be used as a template for the PCR. This reaction is catalysed by Reverse Transcriptase enzymes.
It may be necessary to first carry out a (DNA double-strand) denaturation step.

Fields of application :

The PCR technique is based on direct evidence of genetic material of pathogen micro-organisms, in other words either DNA (Chlamydophila, Coxiella, Pasteurella and Mycoplasma etc.) or RNA (BTV or BVD viruses or respiratory viruses) gathered from “acellular” samples (total blood, serum, plasma and cell culture supernatants) or “cellular” ones (milk, organs, swabs, transtracheal aspiration liquid, breeding grounds and faeces).
It can be qualitative, relative to a material at the interpretation threshold or quantitative.

In practice, PCR is commonly used to prove the presence of :
  1. the BVD virus in the serum, auricular cartilage or an organ.
  2. Paratuberculosis in faeces
  3. abortive agents (Chlamydia and Q Fever etc.) in the placenta or a miscarriage
  4. BTV in total blood
  5. respiratory agents (RSV, PI3, Pasteurella, Mycoplasma bovis and Coronavirus etc.) in the lungs, transtracheal aspiration liquid or a bronchoalveolar lavage
  6. enteritis agents (Rotavirus, Coronavirus) in faeces
  7. Flavescence Dorée – Black Wood in the leaves and leafstalks of vines
  8. Xylella fastidiosa in the leaves of several host plants
  • IC - RT - PCR : Immunocapture-RT-PCR (the immunocapture-reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction technique), more sensitive than ELISA and RT-PCR alone, is a technique through which the virus can be detected without isolating the RNA.
  • BAT is an agglutination method used on serums to look for antibodies connected to Brucellosis.
  • Other methods, such as bacteriological cultivation and microscopic observation of parasites, are used.