• Opening hours Monday to Friday, 8am-Noon / 1:30-5pm (4:30pm on Fridays)
  • Fr En
  • Cofrac - Comité français d'Accréditation Accreditation No. 1-6486
    Scope available at
Agrivalys71, French departmental laboratory
Agrivalys71, French departmental laboratory
Agrivalys71, French departmental laboratory
Agrivalys71, French departmental laboratory

Our laboratory

Located in Mâcon in Burgundy region, our French laboratory, specialising in animal and plant health, has a team of biology and immunology technicians.

Tests & services

The laboratory’s team, equipment and premises

Agrivalys 71 was established on November 1, 2017, as a local semi-public company. It comprises one majority shareholder : the Département (51% of the capital), and one private partner : Segilab (49%). Our staff carries works in both the public and private sector.

Our laboratory’s goal is to expand its activities in the fields of animal and plant health to cope with the arrival of emerging diseases, so as to meet our partners' expectations and support them in a changing agricultural world.

Scientific microscopy analyzes dots round
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Shape decoration

Our team

Our laboratory includes a multidisciplinary team of some 30 permanent staff members, holding either a public or private sector status.
Our biology and immunology technicians are trained and experienced. Their work is overseen by a vet and a director in the fields of animal and plant health. These sectors draw on support services.

Agrivalys71 team members in 2024
Protection analyzes
Veterinary laboratory research study
Agrivalys laboratory research scientist
Microscope research elisa technique
Bacteriology analysis research

Our premises

In June 2019 we moved into modern new premises that meet regulatory requirements in terms of quality, hygiene and safety in order to ensure the smooth running of the various services our laboratory provides.